Sky Force is an Indian Hindi-language action drama film about India's retaliatory attack on the Sargodha airbase of Pakistan in the Indo-Pakistani air war of 1965, which marked India's first airstrike. The film stars Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya (in his acting debut) alongside Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur. It is directed by Abhishek Anil Kapur and Sandeep Kewlani, and produced by Dinesh Vijan and Amar Kaushik under Maddock Films, and Jyoti Deshpande under Jio Studios.
Plot: Skyforce unravels a gripping tale inspired by true events from one of the deadliest air strikes between India and Pakistan. A hero lost, a comrade's quest for truth-an epic tribute to bravery, sacrifice, and unbreakable courage.
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